@article{oai:jcsw.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000268, author = {大島, 巌 and 古屋, 龍太 and 贄川, 信幸 and 添田, 雅宏 and 北本, 明日香 and 園, 環樹 and 小佐々, 典靖 and 鴨澤, 小織 and 及川, 博文 and 鈴木, 真智子 and 高野, 悟史}, journal = {日本社会事業大学研究紀要, Study report of Japan College of Social Work}, month = {Mar}, note = {資質が高く力量あるソーシャルワーカー(SWer)の生涯キャリア形成支援指針が求められ、福祉系大学のSWerリカレント教育に果たす役割が検討されている。本研究は、指導的SWerを育成する使命をもつ日本社会事業大学卒業者の全数調査から、彼らのキャリア形成状況とそのニーズを卒後年数別および卒業生の標的類型別に明らかにする。対象者は同窓会名簿に連絡先の記載がある4835名全数であり、郵送による自記式調査で2160名(45%)の回答を得た。対象者はより良いキャリア形成を志向する者が多く、またそれをある程度実現している。しかしより資質が高く力量あるSWerとなるためのリカレント教育に福祉系大学が果たすべき役割が少なからずある。科学的根拠に基づく実践(EBP)の教育・研究・実践支援を含めて、福祉系大学は実践現場とパートナーシップを構築し、SWerの生涯キャリア形成に貢献する必要がある。, The social work society in Japan needs to develop effective and appropriate guidelines of lifelong career development for cultivating competent and high-qualified social workers. Social work universities have started to consider the roles for recurrent education associated with the career development. This study aims to demonstrate current situations of career development and its needs with graduates of Japan College of Social Work (JCSW), and to discuss the roles of social work universities using complete alumni survey of JCSW, which has the mission of educating leading social workers in Japan. Subjects were all of 4,835 members whose addresses were listed in the alumni register, and we analyzed data of 2,160 respondents (45%) of a mail survey using self-completed questionnaire. We found many respondents who had been considering their own career development, and achieving it to some extent. We also found roles and expectations with recurrent education of the university to make them more competent and well-qualified. Strategies against them to build partnerships between practice fields and the university, and to contribute to the development of the social workers in the fields, including collaborations of research, education and technical supports with evidence-based practices were discussed.}, pages = {79--92}, title = {日本社会事業大学卒業者全数調査からみた福祉系大学卒業者のキャリア形成の現状とニーズ、リカレント教育・生涯学習に果たす大学の役割 : 卒後年数別および卒業生ニーズ標的類型別にみた生涯キャリア形成アプローチの可能性}, volume = {60}, year = {2014} }