@article{oai:jcsw.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000028, author = {今井, 明}, journal = {日本社会事業大学研究紀要, Study report of Japan College of Social Work}, month = {Feb}, note = {就労移行支援型事業、就労継続型支援事業など障害者の就労現場における仕事(受注)の確保を支援する施策全般について把握・精査し、これら施策の特徴及び課題について検討を加える。 施策の整理にあたっては、大きく、発注者が民間企業である場合と国・地方公共団体である場合とに分け、個々の施策について、支援策の内容や差異、共通する特徴について明らかにする。 その上で、発注促進策をめぐる当面の課題として、1.施策の普及、2.取組の可視化、3.雇用支援策との関連などについて述べる。, Measures that support the securing of jobs (job receipt) at work places employing workers with disabilities such as employment support facilities and continuous employment support facilities, were systematically examined and discussed, and the characteristics and issues of each of these measures were considered. During the categorization process, each measure was first divided by whether the ordering party was a private enterprise, or a national or regional government organization. Each measure was then examined to bring to light the differences and commonalities. Following this process (1)the popularization of such measures, (2)visualization of initiatives and (3)the relationship to employment support measures, were discussed as current issues for work order promotion measures.}, pages = {79--97}, title = {障害者の就労に対する発注促進策の特徴と当面の課題}, volume = {57}, year = {2011} }