@article{oai:jcsw.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000353, author = {鈴木, 真智子 and 大山, 早紀子 and 大島, 千帆 and 古屋, 龍太 and 贄川, 信幸 and 添田, 雅宏 and 大島, 巌}, journal = {日本社会事業大学研究紀要, Study report of Japan College of Social Work : issues in social work}, month = {Mar}, note = {本論文では、日本社会事業大学(以下社大)社会福祉学部卒業者全員を対象とした調査から、四年制大学介護福祉士課程修了者の特徴および、キャリア形成の現状と課題を明らかにする。  社大社会福祉学部及び本科卒業生(n=4,835)に、自記式郵送調査を実施し2,160 名(回収率44.7%)の有効回答を得た。このうち、在学中の履修課程を「介護福祉」と回答した139名を、卒後年数、勤務形態別にキャリア形成状況とニーズを学部卒業生(1993 年以降卒業)と比較した。  その結果、介護福祉コースは、回答者の約8 割が女性で、年齢は30 歳代を中心とし、キャリア向上を目的とした転職より、結婚や育児による転職・離職が多かった。これらから、介護職は女性が多い職業であり、ライフステージやワーク・ライフバランスに配慮した働き方や学びができる環境の整備が求められる。また介護福祉の学びを深め、資質の高い介護福祉人材を育成する場として、教育や研究の力量のある人材育成ができる、大学院の充実を含めた継続教育の体制整備を、福祉系大学の役割として検討する必要がある。, This study aims to demonstrate characteristics of current situations of career development and their issues with graduates of the certified care worker course (CCWC) of Japan College of Social work (JCSW), and to discuss the roles of social work universities using the results of the alumni survey of the JCSW. Subjects were all of 4,835 alumni members whose addresses were listed in the register. We analyzed 2,160 respondents (45%) of the self-completed questionnaire survey. Career development and its needs of 139 members who completed the CCWC were compared with those of other courses graduated after 1993 when the CCWC was launched. About 80 percent of the graduates with the CCWC were female and narrow age distribution on their thirties. They sometimes changed their jobs by their marriage and child-raising rather than their promotion as compared with other course graduates. It is necessary for the universities to arrange learning environment that can provide special considerations to their life stage and work-life balances. In addition, enhancement of continuous education systems including graduate education with human resource cultivation for the graduates, in particular female graduates, with CCWC who have competencies to research and education in social work universities is needed to be considered.}, pages = {97--109}, title = {四年制大学介護福祉土養成課程卒業者のキャリア形成の現状と課題 : 社大卒業者のキャリア形成と大学の役割に関する全数調査結果から}, volume = {61}, year = {2015} }