@article{oai:jcsw.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000615, author = {菱沼, 幹男}, journal = {日本社会事業大学研究紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {Collaboration involving multiple organizations and occupations is a key challenge in the Japanese government’s initiatives to develop comprehensive support systems. This study aimed to examine the situation regarding multiorganizational and multi-occupational collaboration and consider future measures to promote collaboration. A survey was conducted in 2019 in which questionnaires were distributed to officials from 500 municipalities throughout Japan, and 1,247 responses were obtained (response rate: 31.2%). Target areas were identified using stratified random sampling by population size, and the current level of cooperation and the level of need for collaboration in the future with other organizations, groups, and professionals were analyzed for community comprehensive support centers, children and families support centers, designated special consultation support offices, and councils of social welfare. The survey was largely identical to the one conducted in 2008, and it also sought to examine the changes over the past 10 years. Results indicated that the current level of collaboration has increased for 23 of the 28 items, and the increase in collaboration with lawyers was particularly marked compared to other groups. Nevertheless, collaboration is still lacking in some domains, thereby highlighting the importance of promoting collaboration with the fields of mental healthcare, education, justice, labor, and community activities. 多機関多職種連携は国が進める包括的支援体制の構築において重要な課題となって いる。そこで本研究では多機関多職種連携の実態を把握し、今後の連携促進方策を考え ることを目的として全国 500 箇所の市区町村へのアンケート調査を 2019 年に実施し、 1247 件の回答を得た(回収率 31.2%)。対象地域は人口規模による層化無作為抽出法に よって選定し、地域包括支援センター、子ども家庭支援センター、指定特定相談支援事業所、 社会福祉協議会から他の機関・団体・専門職に対する「現在の連携度」と「今後の連携の 必要度」を分析した。また本調査は 2008 年にほぼ同じ内容で行ったことがあり、10 年 間での変化を把握することも目的とした。調査の結果、現在の連携度は 28 項目中 23 項 目で上昇が見られ、特に弁護士との連携が他に比べて大きく進んでいた。一方で未だ連携 が不十分な点もあり、特に精神保健福祉、教育、司法、就労、地域活動の分野との連携促 進の重要性が明らかとなった。}, pages = {69--86}, title = {地域生活支援における多機関多職種連携の実態と促進に関する研究}, volume = {68}, year = {2022} }